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Re: Needed files - use under windows

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Needed files - use under windows
Date: 20 Nov 2000 12:19:05 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "WB" == William \(Bill\) J Buckley <William> writes:

WB> From your demos I see you have the following dlls included with them

You shouldn't need cygtclpip80.dll, cygtclreg80.dll,
libperl5_00563.dll, or mingwc10.dll.  

You do need cygtcl80.tcl, cygtk80.dll, BLT24.dll (these three are for
the Swarm GUI), cygwin1.dll (provides a POSIX API), and either
libkaffeswarm.dll or javaswarm.dll (the former is for Kaffe, the
latter is for Sun JDK).  swarm.dll is needed for Objective C Swarm
apps, but not for Java Swarm apps. 

In addition you'll need to have the tcl8.0, tk8.0, and blt2.4 subdirectories
from /Swarm-2.1.1/share.  Note that you can put these anywhere, but
you'll need to have the cygwin `mount' of /Swarm-2.1.1/share.

WB> Do JAVA programs for windows normally need to be executed under a Unix 
WB> (CYGWIN) shell. 

No, we just make that the default for the sake of having a controlled
PATH and CLASSPATH using the javaswarm shell script.  You really just 
need to have the above DLLs in the PATH, the Tcl/Tk/BLT script directories
available at the /Swarm-2.1.1/share virtual prefix, and swarm.jar
in the CLASSPATH (it's at /Swarm-2.1.1/share/swarm).

WB> I was able to execute heatbugs example from a regular Windows
WB> (Win2k) shell but when I went to execute the program I got from the
WB> other person I get the following error when I try to bring up the
WB> playback screen: Unable to register TclNotifier window class Do you
WB> know what could be causing this error

Hmm, that's a new one to me.  Is this on an otherwise ordinary installation
of Swarm?

WB> I am working with a program written with swarm with the final
WB> intent of running multiple executions in batch mode using either
WB> Condor (Windows PC cluster) and/or llsubmit(IBM AIX
WB> Supercomputer). 


I'm curious about this effort to run Swarm on a load-balancing system.
I realize that the current packaging isn't great for the purpose.  It
wouldn't be that hard for me to completely strip off the GUI stuff in order
minimize the set of DLLs, and supporting directories if it really a

It's been years since I've looked at Condor, but I seem to remember
that (back then) using Condor involved interposing Condor's [shared]
libraries.  For example, I thought that migrating a process involved
doing a memory snapshot triggered by SIGUSR2 or somesuch.  Are there
really JVMs now that work with Condor?  

Have you looked at MOSIX (http://www.mosix.org)?  As I recall,
Alex Lancaster had success getting Swarm running on SFI's MOSIX
cluster about a year ago.  MOSIX is a kernel extension to Linux, has
free source code (unlike Condor), and runs at the OS level.

Of couse, what we'd really like to do is provide systematic glue to
these different kinds of multiprocessing systems in the Swarm
scheduling machinery itself.  So that when a modeler scheduled two events at
the same time, those two events would spawn two threads, send two MPI
messages, whatever...  Alas, we've (I've) had too many other things to do,
and no resources to hire staff with just those skills.

Also, because of the difficulty in teaching users to handle locking,
I'm inclined to delay getting into it myself until there are 
higher-level semantics that control access to data..  That's what I'm
working on now with IMT, etc.  http://www.swarm.org/sdg-report-2000.html

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