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Re: remove actions from schedule

From: Roger M. Burkhart
Subject: Re: remove actions from schedule
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 09:12:47 -0500

> I tried to figure out what is exactly the things that are in the schedule
> and how to remove only (and all) the actions of the monkey to be killed, but
> it doesn't work.
> I keep running into the object actionConcurrent_c of which I do not understand
> its funtcion.

Doug Donalson already gave the right answer in his response: save the
action returned by createAction when you first create it, and then remove
this action (which you've saved inside the monkey data structure or wherever)
directly from the schedule:

  [modelSchedule remove: monkeySpecificAction]; 

Doing it this way avoids the need to traverse through all the internal
structure of a structure, including the actionConcurrent_c action you
found that holds all the actions scheduled at the same time value.  It's
likely to be faster, too.

Doug: I'll answer your most recent questions on 2-tiered concurrent schedules
after I get my example converted over.
Roger Burkhart

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