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Re: Error creating objects.

From: dsumpter
Subject: Re: Error creating objects.
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 09:47:24 GMT

Hello again,

>I was having more fun reading your code than trying
>to figure out what's causing your error.  Would you 
>mind if I asked what you're simulating?

I'm simulating the thermoregulation of bees. They are agents like the 
heatbugs example but are surrounded by Wall objects.
Walls don't do much in my simulation except just sit there and insulate but
its always nice to make everything an agent. 

>Anyway, the double vs. float can only be an alignment
>problem (if it's not, you should get either a seg fault at run
>time or some strange values smattered across your code).
>What's the error say?

It was a segmentation fault at runtime.

Actually, I did a `make clean' this morning and it seems to be working.
I could have sworn I did the same last night and it didn't work. 
I suppose thats the price you pay for working after 5pm......



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