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Re: 2 mysterious bugs

From: Manor Askenazi
Subject: Re: 2 mysterious bugs
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 96 23:39:48 MDT

These are not Swarm bugs, but will be added to the FAQ:

1. bltGrAxis.c:1724: LayoutAxis: Assertion `labels <= axisPtr->numLabels' 

This is an old bug in the BLT library pre version 2.1, so is currently 
irrelevent, even then, there was a way around this. Email me if you are

2. Event raised: insufficient resources: cannot allocate color xx, 
   substituting white

Your screen can only display 256 colors at a time (nothing to do with
memory, everything to do with graphics capability of your machine). If
you run a color-intensive program such as netscape before running swarm,
then swarm will not be able to add its own required colors to the colormap
since Netscape has already hogged all the color-slots available. Consequently,
it manages without but tells you that it had trouble getting colors (which is
why it uses white by default). So, either exit netscape first, or run it as 
follows: netscape -install.

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