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BLT compile problem

From: Sven Thommesen
Subject: BLT compile problem
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 09:39:03 -0700

At the risk of revealing my newbie-ness to all, I'm asking for help with the
following (hopefully trivial) problem:

I have a system with a fresh complete installation of RedHat Linux 3.03. I
have removed BLT 1.9 using "rpm --remove blt" and "rpm --remove blt-devel".
I unpacked the BLT 2.1 source from SFI into /usr/src/blt2.1. I ran
"./configure -with-cc=gcc" and "make".  I get the following error message:

        making "bltwish"
        ld: cannot open -ldl: no such file or directory

Suggestions, anyone?
("Locate" reports the existence of /lib/libdlso.1 and /lib/libdlso.1.7.14,
if that's relevant.)

Sven Thommesen

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