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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] bzr problems this morning

From: Sylvain Beucler
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] bzr problems this morning
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 18:09:06 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 01:36:25AM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 17:16 +0200, Sylvain Beucler wrote:
> > 
> > Hmmm, apparently there's a misunderstanding. In the last mail about
> > it, some bzr people said he'd have a solution for you the next week,
> > so I didn't follow this issue.
> > 
> > Be aware that there are no server-side commit hooks available in
> > bazaar, so I don't think I can install mail notification on Savannah.
> Hi there.
> Bazaar has server-side commit hooks, but you need to be using bzr+ssh
> (or bzr+http://) for them to work.

Does it?  The only reference I found was a "step towards server-side
hooks" in 1.4 release notes.  Is there a server-side hook for mail
notifications available?

> The script I referenced polls on the server side, and sends emails when
> it sees a change has occured.
> bzr branch lp:bzr-hookless-email will get you the code for it.

Is there a solution that work for several projects? We're talking
mass-hosting here, so we can't run hundreds of instances of this hook.


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