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Re: [Rule-list] Domain Names

From: Michael Fratoni
Subject: Re: [Rule-list] Domain Names
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 21:02:31 -0400

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 15 April 2002 08:22 pm, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

> >Also, I've dropped the "Devon" handle. It was a mistake made when I
> >subscribed to the Red Hat lists, and once I started posting, it seemed
> >hard to do away with it. Just dropping it appears to work, though. :)
> Hmm... gonna be odd switching names to you. I met you as "Devon" and
> always thought that was actually your name; came as a bit of a shock to
> realize there was a Michael inside the Devon (or vice versa). Still,
> whatever you prefer is the best of course; will start changing stuff in
> my head. <grin>

It's a long story, actually, but for several years, I was a 'Game Master' 
and coder for an online roleplaying game. I took the name Devon, and used 
that account for all game related mail. The name stuck well enough that 
when I speak to any of the people from the game, they refer to me as 'D'.
(And so goes the explanation for signing everything as '-D')

Currently, I am working on another online game with one of the 
founder/developers of the previous game. It's still in development, and 
involves a complete rewrite of the game engine. When it's finished, it'll 
either be exceptionally fun, or too damn complicated to actually play. 
My Game Master name? Devon, of course. :)
If anyone is interested in that sort of thing, the unfinished, temporary 
website is:

When I signed up for the RedHat mailing lists (my first real involvement 
on any list) I just used the 'Devon' Account. Once I realized that most 
people on the list used their real names, I was sort of between a rock 
and a hard place, and just decided to keep using Devon.

However, I've decided that the only way to fix it is to make the switch, 
and take my lumps. The real name seems more professional at the very 
least. Besides, I wouldn't install software or run scripts written by 
someone who wouldn't divulge his real name. :)

I switched all the RedHat lists over to my real name as well. So far, 
either no one has noticed, or no one has cared enough to comment. :)

- -- 
- -Michael

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