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Re: [Protux-devel] Too much things to understand, but few to antecipate

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Too much things to understand, but few to antecipate :
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 21:45:59 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.2


You're all invited to read my litle "thesis" on using the concept of
Contexts and Modes within a MustuxApplication. I wrote it for myself to
have it "on paper", so I - but also other people - can review it. It also
makes it easier to (when Luciano agrees) implement it in Jmb.

If you have questions or suggestion, please let me know. Also when you
disagree with it, you don't make me happy if so, but so be it.

Have a nice reading, and till next week,



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