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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Template Set

From: Christian Boettger - Mailings
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Template Set
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 13:37:15 +0200


> From: Kai Hofmann [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:58 AM

> as I heared/read ;-) CW has checked in the pb Template set 
> (for RC2) - 

yes, thanks for that..

> which is in an outlook like style

To be a bit more precise: the template set has especially been designed to
mimic Outlook (Outlook Web Access), so that user coming from Lookout feel
comfortable to start with phpGW. This has proven to be big plus when talking
to people used to the 
M$ world.

> CW: please apply your patch - to make the text only 
> navigation consistent with the icons navigation
>     and remove the tabs - thanks :)

The point is that a navigation bar on top (however nice it is) totally
breaks the desired effect of creating a Lookout-like look. The text only
version should never have used the tabs on top, this was our fault; we seem
to have forgotten about testing the text only version.

There is another general problem with the navigation on top: as soon as you
enable some more apps for the user (depending on the screen resolution 5 - 6
may be enough) you end up with a looooooong *horizontal* scroll bar, which
stretches the main application window as well, often way beyond usability.
This obviously is a bad idea. BTW: iDots suffers from exactly the same



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