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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Template Set

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Template Set
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 13:51:26 +0000

i saw some code there relating to folders, what are they and how do I use them? 
i need to first install the pbFolders app?

For the curious of what my patch does, heres a couple screen shots

original text navbar:
original text and icons:
text only after my patch:

This is definatly the best template to use if you're trying for low bandwitdh 
only.  The theme is CSS so it'll be easy to make it work in any color scheme, 
and I
look forward to some creative contributions :)

Kai Hofmann (address@hidden) wrote:
>Hi all (especially CW ;-),
>as I heared/read ;-) CW has checked in the pb Template set (for RC2) - which
>is in an outlook like style
>(feature description will follow next week).
>CW: please apply your patch - to make the text only navigation consistent
>with the icons navigation
>    and remove the tabs - thanks :)
>As it seems we also have to create another patch for the folders when in
>text only mode - this one will
>be created next week when Philipp is back from vacation.
>Feel free to test, enjoy, comment etc. the new template set.
>   Kai
>*****    Open Source und Linux im professionellen Einsatz    *****
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