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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: line endings with 0.31

From: Larry Hastings
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: line endings with 0.31
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:07:26 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719)

Bruce Stephens wrote:
Better (I'd have thought) to store some canonical form in the repository and let the
clients do conversion.  What's currently missing is a way to specify
what the canonical form ought to be like: whether the file's text or
binary, whether it has special line-ending requirements (like some VS
files seem to have).  Subversion splits this: svn:mime-type specifies
whether a file's binary or not, and svn:eol-style lets you change the
line ending.
I should think the canonical form is obvious: an unadorned LF should be the eol character as stored in the repository.  That way it matches what C expects when you read it in as binary, and on UNIX you never have to do any conversion.  (Though you should still scan the file on every check-in and complain if its EOL convention doesn't match what you expected...)

I'm not sure what SVN using two separate values (one as a mime-type!) buys them.  I think one setting with three possible values would be best: "it's binary", "it's text but don't do eol conversion", and "it's text, please do eol conversion".  From the above I take it it's possible to declare a file as binary-with-eol-conversions, which strikes me as an unintended consequence waiting to happen.

Opinionated as usual,


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