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[Monotone-devel] monotone newcomer - several questions

From: Dirk Hillbrecht
Subject: [Monotone-devel] monotone newcomer - several questions
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 20:55:24 +0200
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Hello everyone,

I'm the chief developer of a smaller IT company. Currently, I'm investigating where to move to from CVS when it comes to versioning control. I finally stopped when looking at monotone as it seems to fulfill my most important wishes: Distributed operation, simple usage, sane design. So I started deeper investigation by doing some "real-life" tests with our projects. As I expected, a bunch of observations raised a number of questions I would like to ask here.

Perhaps as preface: I'm coming from CVS and CVS only. I am managing the projects in question now for eight years with CVS. My current approach to monotone is more or less "CVS with one more layer", so the main repository server is an important thing for me. Furthermore, our projects are handled through multiple CVS modules in the repository - I want to take the chance to even extend this arrangement during transition. And my tests involved, of course, the conversion of a medium-size CVS module. I took our properties-module which contains all the i18n'd messages. It contains about three years of development history cumulating in 1125 files, about 4300 checkins/revisions and a monotone db file of 7.4 MB. So, here are my questions:

- My idea is to put each of our projects into its own monotone database. As we have 8 to 10 projects, this would mean 8-10 distinct .db files. Is this the way to do things?

- When I have my different projects, of course, all of them should be reachable at the "main" server where a "monotone serve" process runs continuously. However, there seems to be no way to let one server serve multiple databases. My idea was to start one server per project (= database) and each one to listen on a different port. Not precisely what I would say to be"resource-friendly", but, hey, it's version 0.19... Would this work? Any better ideas?

- A propos "server process". That one is rather err... simple, isn't it? There seems to be no really nice way to start and stop server processes from startup scripts. My idea is to start all my nice little servers as a certain user from a script into background and when it comes to stopping them, I would simply issue something like "killall -HUP monotone" as that user. Feasible? Additionally, I would issue that stop/start trigger each night, as I suspect monotone not being guaranteed to be memory-leak-free. Correct?

- Any chance or any plans to start a monotone serve process via inetd? I mean, it would be the perfect environment for that one...

- After having imported my before-mentioned archive into my own monotone database, I sync'd with my "main server"-to-be, which had a totally empty database at that moment. That needed very long, especially after all data seemd to be transferred (byte counters did not increase any more). Further syncs (after small changes in my local repository) ran much faster. Intentional behaviour? What would have happened if I had interrupted the "client" monotone while the server process was still busy doing ... something. Would the sync have been lost? Would the database have been corrupted?

- Is the communication during "sync" in some way encrypted?

- To allow someone to sync, I have to enable the user id in my .monotonerc. Having several server processes serving different databases, all servers share that settings. Any possibility to constrain access for certain users to certain databases? Any plans to put these settings into the databases themselves instead of that configuration file?

- If I sync my local repository with that "main server" and nothing has changed since the last sync, the server logs an error:

monotone: accepted new client connection from a.b.c.d:37579
monotone: rebuilding merkle trees for collection de.cantamen.i18n-ebus
monotone: including branch de.cantamen.i18n-ebus
monotone: including branch
monotone: [certs: 2376] [keys: 1]
monotone: fd 5 (peer a.b.c.d:37579) read failed, disconnecting

Is that intentional?

- For the first test, I started my "main server" on the default port. For further tests, I changed it to another port (56001 or so...). However, my local repositorie's monotone still tried to connect to the default port if not explicitly told otherwise. I haven't found the server default setting it recorded when connecting for the first time. Did I overlook something or does it not store the port I connected to (and changes it when I connect to another one on the same server for the next time)?

- I played a little bit with the "log" function. Apart from it not being path-aware I wondered whether there is a way to get a condensed overview of the change history for one file. I mean, the history written by "monotone log" is able to restict itself to one file, but is it possible to get the output printed in a nicer way?

- Dumping and restoring the database gives me exactly the former content, doesn't it? Is it sensible to do regular dumps and keep them for a while - just in case the database crashes and I have to go back to a former (clean) state?

Ok, huge bunch of questions. Perhaps you can give me some answers. monotone is really nice and I am quite sure that I will bring it into production usage rather sooner than later. If you can answer some of my questions, this process could become even a smooth one. I suspect, however, that I and my colleagues will have to change quite some habits we are now used to, anyway...

Best regards,

--- Dirk Hillbrecht, cantamen GmbH --- address@hidden
--- Hausmannstraße 9-10, 30159 Hannover,
--- Tel.: +49/511/5902626-0, Fax: +49/511/5902626-4

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