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[Monotone-devel] Re: Few remarks

From: graydon hoare
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: Few remarks
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 12:52:59 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040913)

Jérôme Marant wrote:

This solution implies that you are absolutely sure the parent
directory where you will find the MT directory is the one you
are looking for. As far as I know, you can run "monotone add"
everywhere in the tree and this automatically creates a MT

that's a bug. monotone will (eventually, when we merge the restriction branch) ascend in the working copy until it finds an MT/ directory.

When working locally, such an integer in unique. So, while keeping
the hash for obvious reasons, an integer "alias" associated with
the hash in order to make things more userfriendly would be nice.

such integers would not be particularly stable, as your database can acquire revisions "in the past" retroactively when you sync with others.

one stable numbering scheme which posesses the property you want (N+K is a child of N) would be to number the immediate children of *each* revision by the order they arrive in your database: consider the "first" child of N as N+1, and use a .fork.seq format for the remaining children a la CVS.

  first child: N+1
  second child: N.1.1
  third child: N.2.1

I guess that would probably make the UI a fair bit friendlier; it's been hard to nail down this concept before revisions existed, but now that it's a strict DAG I can see that it'd probably work. you'd chew up a little bit of database space with this, but I'm not opposed to implementing it.

(the algorithm for assigning numbers would be slightly trickier than this due to the fact that merges occur without a discriminated "trunk", so you would want to do something like "pick the shortest legal number" -- merge(2.4, 5.5.6) -> 2.5 not 5.6.8 -- to prevent version numbers expanding without bound.. but it's probably doable)


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