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Re: [Ltib] Trouble adding new package in LTIB

From: Vadim Lebedev
Subject: Re: [Ltib] Trouble adding new package in LTIB
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:01:55 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)


Please do:

./ltib -d -m prep -p parted.spec

Until the package has been added to pkg_map and packages.lkc you're spec
file name needs to be explicit.

This issue should really got into the FAQ

James E. Chargin Jr. wrote:
I'm using LTIB on Ubuntu 7.10, targeting the MPC8315e.

Since I've determined that GNU parted is not currently available for LTIB, I'm attempting to port parted so it is available on our target.

I've followed the instructions in the LTIB FAQ as best I can but am getting an error that I can't find an explanation for.

I downloaded parted-1.8.8.tar.bz2 from fsf. I unpacked it so I could later tar it to .gz as is expected by the instructions in the FAQ.

So, starting with section "How can I add a completely new package to the root filesystem" in the LTIB FAQ:

1. First clean your sources...

Since I had just downloaded and untarred the package, I did not "make clean". I executed "tar zcvf parted-1.8.8.tar.gz parted-1.8.8"

2. Move this tarball...

I executed "cp parted-1.8.8.tar.gz /opt/freescale/pkgs/

3; Create a specfile...

I executed:
cd .../ltib/ltib-mpc8315erdb-20071129
mkdir dist/lfs-5.1/parted
cp dist/lfs-5.1/template/template.spec dist/lfs-5.1/parted/parted.spec

4: Edit and fixup the template...

My edited specfile is:

%define pfx /opt/freescale/rootfs/%{_target_cpu}

Summary         : GNU parted - partition editor
Name            : parted
Version         : 1.8.8
Release         : 1
License         : GPL
Vendor          : Free Software Foundation
Packager        : xxxx
Group           : xxxx
URL             :
Source          : %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
BuildRoot       : %{_tmppath}/%{name}
Prefix          : %{pfx}



./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --host=$CFGHOST --build=%{_build}

make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{pfx}



5. Unpack the new package source:

Here is where I encounter the error. When I execute "./ltib -d -m prep -p parted" (I am dry-running to see what it will do), I see the message:

Cannot find spec file that contains the package name parted.
If necessary please give the whole spec file name (with the
.spec extension).

Exiting on error or interrupt

I tried various commands trying to give the full specfile pathname, with no success. The last command I tried was "./ltib -d -m prep -p .../ltib/ltib-mpc8315erdb-20071129/dist/lfs-5.1/parted/parted.spec" (I tried this with sudo also). I got the error message:

get_spec: can't find spec file .../dist/ltib-mpc8315erdb-20071129/lfs-5.1/parted/parted.spec

in search any of the directories:

Processing platform: Freescale MPC8315E RDB PowerPC board
using config/platform/mpc8315erdb/.config

Processing: .../dist/lfs-5.1/parted/parted
======================================================================================= skipping .../ltib/ltib-mpc8315erdb-20071129/dist/lfs-5.1/parted/parted, specfile not found

f_prep() returned an error, exiting
Exiting on error or interrupt

It seems I'm doing something basic incorrectly, but I can't see what it might be.

Any suggestions?


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