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Re: Layout Problem

From: Matthias Teege
Subject: Re: Layout Problem
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:36:27 +0200

In message <address@hidden> you write:
> On Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 02:50:38PM +0200, Matthias Teege wrote:
> > please take a look at the layout and let me know if there is a way
> > to create this page with LOUT.
> Are flyers always one-page?

Yes, only one page. But in the future there will be more pages.

> > maybe somebody is able to tell me, how it is possible to cut off the
> > left column from the right column and to create a header over 2
> > columns.
> Think rectangles.  Take virtual scissors and cut the layout into
> logical parts by using only straight cuts that go from edge to edge.
> Then assemble parts back into the layout.  Then write down what you
> did using Lout concatenation operators.  This should gives the overall
> idea.

I think in "minipages" from (La)TeX. Is there an equal command in lout?

> I'm not sure I understood "to cut off the left column from the right
> column" part.

My first try looks like this:

@SysInclude { flyer }

@InitialLanguage { Deutsch }
@InitialFont { Palatino Base 12p }
@ColumnNumber { 3 }
@PageHeaders { None }

@Text @Begin
@Display @Heading { Teetasse Blue Willow }
Vor langer, langer Zeit lebte in China ein sehr reicher Mann mit dem 
Namen T`so Ling, sein riesiger Besitz erstreckte sich an den Ufern
eines Flusses, und er hatte eine wunderschöne Tochter, Koong-se, auf
die er ebenso stolz war wie er sie vergötterte.


@End @Text

I use a 3 column Layout but in my Layout the left column has another
format as the two on the left side.

> SY, Uwe

Thanks Matthias

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