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Re: [lmi] PATCH: Upgrade xmlwrapp to 0.9.0

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] PATCH: Upgrade xmlwrapp to 0.9.0
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 12:46:44 +0200

On Wed, 11 Apr 2018 01:10:20 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> On 2018-04-10 21:46, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
GC> [...]
GC> >  I've created https://github.com/vadz/lmi/pull/81 using the latest 
GC> > 0.9.0 release. It's pretty trivial, as nothing needs to be changed so far
GC> > and there are no patches specific to this version, but I did test it and
GC> > everything seemed fine here.
GC> Okay, I've pushed this on faith.


GC> I need to rerun 'install_msw.sh' tomorrow

 It seems that you've already done this and found one problem that I
(belatedly) realized myself too: we can't put wxWidgets sources under
third_party directory as install_miscellanea.make insists on it being
empty (I never really understood why, but it's a different question...).
Thanks for fixing this!

GC> > And, while we're at it, I'd also consider
GC> > renaming xmlwrapp-0.9.0.md5sums to just xmlwrapp.md5sums, it's not like
GC> > there is any danger of confusion here (MD5 sums wouldn't match if it there
GC> > ever were a version mismatch).
GC> That would replace the regularity of the '$(foo)-md5 := ...' section
GC> with irregularity.

 OK, let's not do it then. As long as we remove the old files when adding
new ones, it's not that important how are they called, it's just that I'd
like to avoid a proliferation of such files in the future.

GC> I think I'd rather move xmlwrapp out of this makefile and get it from
GC> git (in which case we wouldn't have to ask you to make special releases
GC> for lmi)

 It's not a big deal to make a xmlwrapp release, it's a standard autotools
project and so it's just a matter of doing "make dist" (whatever people
say, autotools are fine for simple projects and give you a lot of nice
things for free). So I don't see any real need to change this, and I don't
expect many changes to xmlwrapp in the future anyhow, this library is
mostly in maintenance mode. Although it might be worth releasing a new
major version using C++11 one of these days...

GC> and maybe even build it with autotools, much as we do with wxPdfDoc.

 But I'd certainly welcome this.

GC> I think we should polish our usage of this:
GC>   /srv/cache_for_lmi/vcs
GC> first. For example, if we always maintain a wx repository there
GC> with all submodule repositories, I'm thinking we can clone it thus:
GC>   git clone --recurse-submodules --reference-if-able our-cache

 Sorry, I'm a bit lost, what exactly are we trying to do here? I.e. what's
the advantage of having a wx repository in /srv/cache_for_lmi/vcs and then
a clone in /opt/lmi/local/vcs rather than having only the latter? It
doesn't seem useful to have more than one repository on the same machine,
what do we gain from it?

GC> >  Also, https://github.com/vslavik/xmlwrapp/releases/tag/v0.9.0 includes
GC> > both tar.gz and tar.xz downloads, with the latter being almost 1.5 times
GC> > smaller. I didn't change the makefile to use the .xz archive to avoid any
GC> > unnecessary changes, but if you'd like it, it would be very simple to use
GC> > the .xz download link instead -- please let me know if I should do this.
GC> Good idea, but I'd rather replace it with a git repository instead.

 As I said, I don't think it's a problem to continue to use xmlwrapp
releases, but I certainly don't have any objections to using its Git
version neither. The only problem is that it will require having autotools
locally, which is not the case now (we only install libtool in
install_cygwin.bat, and we'll need autoconf and automake too).


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