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Re: [lmi] newline in C++ variables

From: Wendy Boutin
Subject: Re: [lmi] newline in C++ variables
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 11:37:51 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

On 2009-09-12 11:03, Greg Chicares wrote:
On 2009-09-12 13:55Z, Wendy Boutin wrote:
On 2009-09-12 08:11, Greg Chicares wrote:
Perhaps it could be made to work by changing the file format
to xml, but that's not an option for a September 30 release.

On 2009-09-10 16:16Z, Wendy Boutin wrote:
Instead of '\n', I tried writing '
', which seems
to display exactly '
' at the end of the first
paragraph. A carriage return ('\r') didn't work either.
...exactly what happens when you use a carriage return
instead of a newline character?
The output

Which output--xml, xsl-fo, or something else?

Oh, that was the pdf output.

reads exactly this:

   This is the first paragraph. This is the second paragraph.
A whitespace is used in place of the carriage return, which
is exactly the same thing I saw in the proprietary sources.

"A whitespace"--physically, a blank, or a carriage return?
If the carriage return percolates through 'sample.pol',
xml, and xsl-fo, then maybe we can find a way to make it
appear as a paragraph separator.

The xml shows:
<PolicyMktgName>This is the first paragraph.&#xD;This is the second paragraph.</PolicyMktgName>

and the fo.xml show:
    Product: UL32768-NY
    Â This is the first paragraph.&#13;This is the second paragraph.</fo:block>

so I guess I'd say it really is a carriage return and not
just whitespace.

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