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Re: [Iruka-devel] current state of project.

From: Petr Klyushkin
Subject: Re: [Iruka-devel] current state of project.
Date: 31 Aug 2002 15:37:26 +0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.5 (bok choi)

Hello, Erwan!

>>>>> "Erwan" == Erwan Loisant writes:

 Erwan> Hello.  * About status, I corrected the bug in IMCOM
 Erwan> preventing from reconnecting after deconnection. I also
 Erwan> designed a full status class. I still have to work on away -
 Erwan> n/a - busy status in particular detect idle.


 Erwan> - Most contacts appear with no icon. What does it means ? If
 Erwan> there is no information they should appear offline, don't you
 Erwan> think ?  

No icon means "offline" state.  I think offline contacts should draw
as little attention to them as possible.

 Erwan> - Some online contacts appears with no icons.  

Never noticed :( Only "offline" contacts and those whose subscription
state doesn't allow us to see their presence ("from" or "none") should
be shown without icons.

 Erwan> - There is no update of contact list after deconnection.  

Roster registers a 'Disconnected' event handler which clears contact
list (it is called "on_disconnected").  So, this is probably a bug in
IMCom, not in roster.

 Erwan> - App crash after reconnection and I think this is due to
 Erwan> Roster. Maybe due to previous bug.

How can I disconnect from server manually to test this?

 Erwan> - I corrected a bug, when opening chat window he is unhappy
 Erwan> you precised wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER since it is implicit for
 Erwan> multiline control.  

 Erwan> - How to send messages in chat mode ? There are neither
 Erwan> buttons nor keyboard shortcut. Ctrl+enter should be good, but
 Erwan> a button is needed (I prepared a dialog).  

Enter message in a retort entry and press Enter.  This is why I set
wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER flag for this control.  Without it control will
handle Enter keypress internally.  If you want to send a message with
explicit line-breaks in it, you should use "normal" messages.  This
resembles an IRC client.  Maybe, we should handle C-Enter keypress to
insert a line-break into chat message.

 Erwan> - About msg mode, when I click on the subject of one message I
 Erwan> have the error message "unicode object has no attribute text"
 Erwan> in line 192 (self._msgText.setValue(...)). It seems
 Erwan> you think a variable is a control but it is already a unicode
 Erwan> string.

Oops!  This is a bug indeed.  I've forgotten to change this when made

 Erwan> Well, finally I am very happy to see how fast you work and
 Erwan> what we could do in the last few weeks ; but don't forget to
 Erwan> finish completely and make stable each part you work on before
 Erwan> jumping to the next one. For example, I sincerely think there
 Erwan> is no need to make a more complicated "add contact" dialog
 Erwan> before having a stable roster & messages manager.

You're right.  I was just thinking about "how it can be".

                                                             C'ya, Peter.
        --=[ICQ 89449080]=--=[Jabber address@hidden

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