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Re: [help-recutils] Recutils usage examples and performance questions

From: Advrk Aplmrkt
Subject: Re: [help-recutils] Recutils usage examples and performance questions
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 18:21:09 +0100

Dear Jose,

Thanks for your quick response!!

I am very excited to learn that recutils is being actively developed
and updated. I am also so impressed that it can handle thousands of
items with no noticeable delay, and the complexity that you can build
into recfiles if you want to. This should work well for my purposes.

The only feature suggestion I have is perhaps a *simple* GUI frontend
that provides all the features of the CLI tools, and perhaps visual
editing of records ala Kexi or (dare I say) Micro$oft Access. An
advanced idea might be the creation of custom and savable forms and
queries like those bigger GUI packages. A GUI is helpful because one
could have records that include, for example, images. The way that
might work is for the value for a field to be the URL or path to the
image (or anything else, really), and for the GUI to show the image

It is wonderful that Python bindings have been developed, do you know
roughly when they might be integrated?
I just like to know so I can plan for integrating it into my workflow one day.

Thanks again!

On 08/04/2015, Jose E. Marchesi <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Advrk.
>     I recently stumbled upon recutils and am very interested in using it,
>     but have a few questions:
>     (1) How active is development and is it well supported? Is there a
>     roadmap for new features?
> Well, I fix bugs as they get reported, and release a new version each
> year.  So I guess the answer is yes: recutils is actively developed and
> supported :)
> Regarding the roadmap, I have several ideas, but they are not documented
> anywhere.  Feel free to share with us any interesting idea you may have.
>     (2) The bundled CLI utilities seem easy to use and useful, a big
>     attraction for me. However I don't know C and only a bit of Python,
>     and there is a Python implementation
>     (, but it seems to be
>     dead.... Are there any other bindings or ports out there?
> During the last Google Summer of Code a student wrote python bindings
> for librec.  However, these patches still have to be merged.
>     (3) I love recutils' simplicity and human-readable-text-based
>     approach. The documentation says "recfiles can be used to store
>     medium-sized databases". How big is that? A recfile of 100s, 1000s, or
>     more records? How's the performance?
> It works well for my needs.  Most operations with thousand of registers
> work with no noticeable delay.
>     (4) Are there real world usage cases/examples of recutils that
>     illustrate how people are deploying it?
> I can refer to two examples.
> We use recfiles to administer GNUs participation in the Google Summer of
> Code program.  See
> For a more complex example, I can show you the record descriptors of a
> database I maintain internally at my job.

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