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[help-recutils] Recutils usage examples and performance questions

From: Advrk Aplmrkt
Subject: [help-recutils] Recutils usage examples and performance questions
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 21:39:10 +0100


I recently stumbled upon recutils and am very interested in using it,
but have a few questions:

(1) How active is development and is it well supported? Is there a
roadmap for new features?

(2) The bundled CLI utilities seem easy to use and useful, a big
attraction for me. However I don't know C and only a bit of Python,
and there is a Python implementation
(, but it seems to be
dead.... Are there any other bindings or ports out there?

(3) I love recutils' simplicity and human-readable-text-based
approach. The documentation says "recfiles can be used to store
medium-sized databases". How big is that? A recfile of 100s, 1000s, or
more records? How's the performance?

(4) Are there real world usage cases/examples of recutils that
illustrate how people are deploying it?

Thank you!!

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