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Re: [Help-gnunet] Download never completes, CPU load

From: Christian Grothoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] Download never completes, CPU load
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 15:46:44 -0500
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 31 October 2003 05:26 am, Kovacs Gabor wrote:
> Hi!
> My downloads usually start in 2-5 minutes and the download is progressing
> well until it reaches 70-80%. (for 3-4Mb files) Then the BPS begin to fall
> and it becomes zero around 97-99%. It seems not to ever be completed.
> (I've waited 3-5 times more than the time required for the 99%)
> Any idea? It's the same if the download is cancelled then restarted.
> Some settings: Only TCP connections are enabled
> (because of a NAT firewall).  Upstream bandwidth limit 100Kbyte/s, down:
> 50Kb/s. IP: NAT box's IP. Max CPU load is 80. Any other is default.

See Igor's reply.  Will need to be investigated.  Too many places where a bug 
could have sneaked in that it would be easy to tell off-hand.  The slow start 
is normal, though (and it should slow down at the end, that's also normal, 
but it should not stop indefinitely).

> Another problem: MAX CPU load is not tolerated. It eats all my CPU
> resource.

Fixed in CVS.  The 0.6.0a code did not have the ability to process messages at 
100/50kbps on even a reasonably modern processor (and the idea of CPU load 
limitation was to scale back expensive code but never to the point that we 
would waste bandwidth [thus it possibly overshoots]).  CVS contains faster 
heuristics that will allow the CPU-load limiting to function at 100 kbps (but 
again, if you give it 10 MBps on an 80386, it will still take over the CPU 

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