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Re[4]: [Help-glpk] glpk 4.5 release information

From: Andrew Makhorin
Subject: Re[4]: [Help-glpk] glpk 4.5 release information
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 17:34:42 +0400

>I am very interested in this, if you have the time.

You should modify the file glpmip2.c as follows:

881   /* check if the time limit has been exhausted */
882   if (tree->tm_lim >= 0.0 && tree->tm_lim <= utime() - tree->tm_beg)
883   {  if (tree->msg_lev >= 3)
884         print("Time limit exceeded; search terminated");
885      ret = MIP_E_TMLIM;
886      goto done;
887   }
      /* additional termination tests should go here */
      if (tree->found && tree->best <= desired_value)
      {  print something, if needed;
         ret = MIP_E_TMLIM;
         goto done;
888   /* display current progress of the search */

tree->found is a flag which being set indicates that at least one
integer feasible solution has been found.

tree->best is the objective value for the best known integer feasible
solution (it is undefined if the flag tree->found is not set).

If you need to know the current global bound, it can be obtained as

      {  int r = mip_pseudo_root(tree);
         insist(r != 0);
         insist(tree->slot[r].node != NULL);
         global_bound = tree->slot[r].bound;

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