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Re: bison-1.50: how to parse apostrophe?

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: bison-1.50: how to parse apostrophe?
Date: 11 Oct 2002 12:18:58 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

| > This scheme is compatible with the GNU Coding Standards, and it is my
| > understanding that Emacs has the right code to support this.  Maybe it
| > is still in CVS Emacs :(
| I'm afraid you're wrong Akim - emacs cannot handle the dot separator,
| nor does it handle ranges properly.  It seems to expect the gcc-style
| output (file:line[:column]: message).
| Also, from the GNU coding standards from Feb 14 2002:
|    Error messages from compilers should look like this:
|    If you want to mention the column number, use this format:
|    Line numbers should start from 1 at the beginning of the file, and
|    column numbers should start from 1 at the beginning of the line.
|    (Both of these conventions are chosen for compatibility.)  Calculate
|    column numbers assuming that space and all ASCII printing characters
|    have equal width, and assuming tab stops every 8 columns.
| So Jan's suggestion is absolutely correct (and the only
| standards-conforming way to do it).

I don't understand: I have sent patches to rms, and they were
accepted.  That was a requirement before having Bison change its
output, indeed.  These patches were both for the GCS and compile.el.
I don't know what happened with them.

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