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Re: bison-1.50: how to parse apostrophe?

From: Akim Demaille
Subject: Re: bison-1.50: how to parse apostrophe?
Date: 10 Oct 2002 14:18:23 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Honest Recruiter)

| In our grammar file, we have this expression:
|     sup_quotes:
|             '\'' {
|                     $$ = 1;
|             }
|             | sup_quotes '\'' {
|                     $$ ++;
|             }
|             ;
| but bison-1.50 doesn't like it:
|     13:27:17 address@hidden:~/lily/lily
|     $ make
|     bison -o./out/ -d parser.yy
|     parser.yy:1440.2-4: unrecognized escape: `\\\''
|     parser.yy:1443.15-17: unrecognized escape: `\\\''

Arg...  This is definitely a bug, thanks for reporting.  We will soon
release 1.51.

| Also, the new column-info breaks Emacs' error parsing, which is very
| annoying.  It would be helpful if the column info would be more
| standard (ie, just one column number: parser.yy:1440:2: unrecognized
| ...), and if this feature would be turned off by default, at least
| until Emacs can handle this.

This scheme is compatible with the GNU Coding Standards, and it is my
understanding that Emacs has the right code to support this.  Maybe it
is still in CVS Emacs :(

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