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Re: 2.7.90 released

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: 2.7.90 released
Date: 16 Oct 2004 14:32:11 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Andy Wingo <address@hidden> writes:

> I threw a platform-2.7.90 up on
> I released it off of my branch, although I'm merging with HEAD today.

That's the wonderful thing about arch; a new person can never figure
out which archive and which branch is which!  Seriously, if it's
useful for others to use your branch, and particularly if there are
releases off it, it would be nice to list the branch name and give
cut-and-pastable commands to check it out, similar to what's already
there on the developer page.

I downloaded this and tried to build it, using guile-lib 0.1.2, the
recent g-wrap 1.9.3 release candidate (the one without rc i the
tarball), and guile 1.6.4, all on NetBSD/i386 2.0ish (beta, plus local
changes to networking code, but it's very close from the guile POV).

I have guile and most things installed via pkgsrc, so they are in
/usr/pkg.  I built guile-lib and g-wrap --prefix=/usr/y0, and
symlinked the /usr/y0/share/guile/site/foo libs/files into

guile-gobject mostly built, except that the symlink
guile-gnome-gobject in glib/gnome/gobject pointed to
/glib/gnome/gobject (I think, but definitely started with /glib, and
yes I mean an absolute path from root).  I guessed that
guile-gnome-gobject should point to ., since that's where the include
files that were being looked for as <guile-gnome-gobject/foo.h>.
After this, I was able to complete the build.

I think I see why the includes are written this way, but since this
code compiles from the source tree, not when the package is installed,
it would seem that -I. and just <foo.h> are in order, especially since
it could be important _not_ to get (probably old) installed  .h files
by mistake.

Then, I am able to load a module:

gdt 708 ~ > LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/y0/lib guile
guile> (use-modules (gnome gobject))
guile> (apropos "gnome")
guile> (apropos "gobject")
guile> <gobject>
#<<gobject-class> <gobject> 8091840>
guile> (use-modules (gnome gtk))
(gnome gtk): [goops gobject glib atk pango gdk gtk support]
guile> (use-modules (gnome canvas))
guile> gnome-canvas-<TAB>
[rest deleted]

Amusingly, the gtk/examples/calc.scm example has a very very old bug,
for which I think I sent a guile-gtk bug report long ago:

guile> (load "calc.scm")
ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to #<primitive-procedure eval>

The libgnomecanvas example worked, but it didn't delete the window
when I clicked exit, which I assume is an example programming error.

So all in all this looks great!

> Changes from platform-20041009-wingo:
>   * make function arg parsing more robust 
>   * add libgnomeui pkg-config files
>   * regenerated libgnomeui defs
>   * various core fixes to allow NULL for primitive gvalues implemented 
>     with pointers
>   * `initialize' fixes for scheme-derived gobjects
>   * gnome-vfs only throws to the 'gnome-vfs-error key with the specific
>     error as an argument
>   * gtk wrappers: drag-dest-set, selection-data-get-as-string,
>     tree-view-column-set-cell-data-func
>   * list-store-new can take a list of classes or gtypes
>   * examples/repl mostly moved into (gnome gtk graphical-repl) -- really
>     useful to have when hacking on an app
>   * gdk-pixbuf wrapper: save-to-port
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Andy Wingo <address@hidden>
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        Greg Troxel <address@hidden>

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