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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Slightly modified logon gui

From: Hilmar Berger
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Slightly modified logon gui
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 12:18:29 +0200

On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 17:38:39 +1000
Richard Terry <address@hidden> wrote:
> I did expect wails of displeasure from that comment (and note I made no 
> attempt to put in the checkbox). However at least during the prolonged 
> development phase I think we should put it in because one is often 
> running/stopping/running etc. It can easily be removed in a production 
> version.
If we will eventually remove this feature anyways, why implement it ? Features 
that are implemented tend to stay even for no good reason, so I would rather 
spend one second to type "any-doc<enter>" every time I start gnumed than code 
something that is doomed from the very beginning.

> As for the other emails mentioning that the option button should still be 
> there, I disagree because a) the extra amount of space taken up by the other 
> combo's is minimal and it doesn't disturb the look of the gui. 
The option button was just one possible way to set the details of the backend 
list. I dont insist on keeping it there. I think we should go with Karsten's 
suggestion and set the details of different profiles in the config file. The 
user would then choose one profile instead of a host/database pair. In your 
suggestion, users can choose arbitrary combinations of the two, which may lead 
to confusion. The reason why I would like to have one field (profile) instead 
of two (host/database) has more to do with usability than with space and 


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