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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: [OT] the poetry of donald rumsfeld

From: Clark McGrew
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: [OT] the poetry of donald rumsfeld
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:15:29 -0500

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 14:19, Pierce T.Wetter III wrote:
> On Mar 19, 2004, at 11:40 AM, Neal D. Becker wrote:
> > Remember "The buck stops here"?  Now we have, "it's the CIA's fault"
> > instead.
>   Actually, my interpretation is that even Saddam thought he had WMD.
>   What David Kay found was that the scientists had been taking Saddam's
> money, but only pretending to work.
>   So really, its Saddam's fault...

All Kay did was confirm reports from previous inspectors.  Namely, Iraq
had not had a viable WMD program for several years preceding March
2002.  Since inspectors were in the country during March 2002 until the
US told them to leave, you can't argue that Iraq was in material breach
of the relevant UN resolutions.

Being extremely charitable to the Bush Administration, Kay showed that
they seriously misinterpreted information found by "on the ground"
inspectors and gave far to much weight to sources that had been
previously shown to be unreliable (the INC).  If we invaded a sovereign
nation (despicable, but sovereign) by mistake, it seems quite reasonable
to expect some very high level heads roll.

The other plausible explanation for the missing WMD's is that Bush was
lying about the Iraqi threat. So, we invaded Iraq based on incompetence
or dishonesty.  Your choice.

Clark McGrew                    Univ. at Stony Brook, Physics and Astronomy
<address@hidden>        631-632-8299

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