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[Gnu-arch-users] Mirrors and remote repositories...

From: The Doctor What
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Mirrors and remote repositories...
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 21:21:25 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

I'm just putzing with tla/arch still, so excuse any stupidities.

I use BK at work, and I'm confused by the remote mirror vs. remote
repositories.  I have a remote repository set up (it was cool, I
don't have tla installed on my server, but it created everything
fine.) and I'm working with it locally.

However, I'm using a laptop, so I want disconnected operation, where
I can "store up" changesets to push up later.  How do I do this?
The docs I'm reading say that a mirror is readonly.  Am I reading
something wrong?

Also: I'm a little unclear... Does tla not offer an oportunity to
commit single files outside a changeset, like BK?  I liked that
behaviour since I could make tonnes of small changes and they'd all
be documented with change comments, then I could send them all as
one large changeset with really well documented changes.

Thanks for any/all help!


I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it
through not dying.
         -- Woody Allen

The Doctor What: Not that 'who' guy    
docwhat *at* gerf *dot* org                                        KF6VNC

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