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Re: [Glob2-devel] DMCA & bnetd

From: Gabriel Walt
Subject: Re: [Glob2-devel] DMCA & bnetd
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 00:48:43 +0100

Bravo, il est parfait ce mail. De plus il a juste les fautes d'ortho qu'il 
faut pour prouver que t'es bien suisse, LOL!

Je trouve ton initiative une super bonne idee, ca m'amuserait beaucoup de 
voir ce petit projet se realiser!

Conclusion de ton mail: NON a l'Europe, et donc par extention a mon esprit 
largement borne: NON a l'Onu!
Veuillez utiliser le champ suivant pour placer vos insultes a ma bornee 
personne: ______________________________________________


On Thursday 21 February 2002 10:06, Stephane Magnenat wrote:
> Hello all,
> This email is speaking about the shutdown of the Bnetd free
> software replacement deamon.
> (see slashdot :
> ) It is forwarded to RMS (for the philosophical side) and to the webmaster
> of bnetd (for the practical side).
> As a Real-Time Strategy free software game developper I'm highly concerned
> about this, and as a (ex) Blizzard's game lover I'm even more.
> 2 mounth ago I hesitated to use bnetd for my free software project and
> finally I didn't do it because I wanted to see how I can code a meta
> server. The result is an extremly easy and less featured protocol that can
> be found in the glob2 CVS here :
> I'm a swiss citizen and the swiss law protects reverse engeneering. We are
> not in europa so there is no patent problem right now and we don't have any
> law like DMCA. So I propose to create an "us-illegal" server in Switzerland
> that can store stuff that are illegal due to DMCA, for instance DeCSS and
> bnetd.
> I have a DeCSS mirror on my account at school :
> and I can put bnetd if it's not too heavy.
> Does anyone has any idea if it is legal to link to a Swiss site containing
> "us-illegal" DeCSS content from for instance slashdot ?
> Thanks,
> I'll be very happy to hear your reactions
> Stephane Magnenat

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