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Re: [Freetype] FT_Load_Glyph() - Always returns an error

From: SOULLARD Clement
Subject: Re: [Freetype] FT_Load_Glyph() - Always returns an error
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 10:10:06 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

I  meet the same problem with this function but I'am using it under 
linux using freetype 2.1.7.

In some context it return the right error (Function 2), in an other it 
return an error (Function 1)

It occurs in a particular context (Function 1) when asking for a 
bounding box (To check collision), in this context  I use the load glyph 
only to position the glyphSlot (as the glyph is already loaded). Thought 
the returned result indicate an error, it performs correctly the loading 
(Or at least the positionning of the glyph Slot)

I use then :
- FT_Load_Glyph (face, nglyph, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);

But when rendering the bitmap in (Fonction 2) It work correctly.

I use then : (There is no error raised)
- FT_Load_Glyph (face, nglyph, FT_LOAD_RENDER)

Hope this help, ask me if you want more informations....

The concerned functions are :

         Function 1
QCoordsRect FTFont::getBoundingBox (int nglyph)
  glyphSlot = face->glyph;
  //Chargement de la fonte
    error =
    error=FT_Load_Glyph (face, nglyph, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT);
  if (error)
  Tracer::printErr("FTFont::getBoundingBox Erreur dans le chargement du 
 //  Tracer::printInfo("Passage par la fonction getBoundingBox de FTFont: "+
  // QString::number(  glyphSlot->metrics.width / 64)+","+
 //  QString::number( glyphSlot->metrics.height / 64));

  return QCoordsRect (-glyphSlot->metrics.horiBearingX* SCALEFACTOR / 
resX  ,
    - glyphSlot->metrics.horiBearingY*SCALEFACTOR/ resY ,
    (-glyphSlot->metrics.horiBearingX)* SCALEFACTOR / resX +  
glyphSlot->metrics.width*SCALEFACTOR / resX ,
     - glyphSlot->metrics.horiBearingY*SCALEFACTOR/ resY+   
glyphSlot->metrics.height* SCALEFACTOR / resY);
///////////////END FUNCTION///////////////////////////

Second function

FTFont::renderBmp(int nglyph){
FT_Bitmap bitmap;
glyphSlot = face->glyph;
  //Chargement de la fonte
  Tracer::printInfo ("FTFont::RenderBmp numero de glyphe 
  if (FT_Load_Glyph (face, nglyph, FT_LOAD_RENDER))

        Tracer::printErr (  "FTFont::RenderBmp Le glyphe ne s'est pas 
correctement chargé : numero de glyphe "+ QString::number(nglyph));
  if (bitmap.width)

    Tracer::printErr (  "FTFont::RenderBmp Le glyphe  s'est correctement 
chargé : numero de glyphe "+ QString::number(nglyph) +" taille 
"+QString::number(nglyph) );
    return     bitmap;

 else{Tracer::printErr (
          "FTFont::renderBmp Le glyphe ne s'est pas correctement chargé 
: numero de glyphe "+
          ", Taille = "+
          ", Hauteur = "+
          ", Pitch = "+
    return     bitmap;
///////////////END FUNCTION///////////////////////////

Werner LEMBERG wrote:

>>I still met this problem, I am using version 2.1.7 under mips.
>Unfortunately, I don't have access to this platform.
>>I buit the library with following commands.
>>  CC=mipsel-linux-gcc ./configure --host=mips --prefix=/opt
>>  make
>>  make install
>>it builds successfully without too much warning.
>Which warnings?  Please report them.
>>But when I use this libaray with the example1.c in the freetype
>>tutorial 1 webpage. FT_Load_Glyph return -1 or not enough
>>memory. sometimes it shows it need to allocate over 600MB memory. Of
>>course it is not possible on my embedded board. Could anyone has a
>>cule why it happens? Thanks.
>Which font?  The only thing I can try is to run valgrind (on my PC),
>checking memory leaks or invalid memory accesses.
>    Werner
>Freetype mailing list

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