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Re: [pooma-dev] docbook overview

From: Mark Mitchell
Subject: Re: [pooma-dev] docbook overview
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 10:57:20 -0700

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Haney <address@hidden> writes:

    Scott> Hi Allan,

    Scott> I have a few questions and concerns.

    Scott> Is it clear that HTML with CSS will not work for us?

Just about.  I've been there and tried that -- Netscape, for example,
basically falls over on all non-trivial instances of CSS.  It doesn't
just do the wrong thing: it crashes.

    Scott> This said, I think your points are quite valid in general
    Scott> and maybe, in practice, DocBook is a little less scary than
    Scott> it sounds from your message. Therefore, I look forward to
    Scott> your report.

I strongly suggest that we go with DocBook.  One of the big advantages
is the ease with which you can get printed manuals.  For example,
O'Reilly now lets you give them source for a book as DocBook -- and
they just print it, and you're done.

It's not actually as threatening as Allan made it sound :-), and any
SGML editor will work fine with it.

It's also proven technology: we've been using it for months on some
other projects, with good success.  Allan, you might want to contact
Alex Samuel (address@hidden) to find out exactly how he set
up DocBook for the work he's been doing with it.  But, as long we have
a standard process to get set up, that's the important thing.


Mark Mitchell                   address@hidden
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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