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[fluid-dev] MacOSX status

From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
Subject: [fluid-dev] MacOSX status
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 22:23:38 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/; KDE/4.4.4; i686; ; )


Here is a summary of the latest changes I've made in FluidSynth and QSynth 
Subversion repositories.

* CoreAudio driver now uses the HAL output AudioUnit. I hope this solves the 
problems reported by Victor Lazzarini last month. A new function has been 
added to enumerate existing hardware devices, and an option named  
"audio.coreaudio.device" with the same functionality as other FluidSynth 
hardware drivers. It can be selected in QSynth using the audio device combo 

* CoreMIDI driver option "midi.coremidi.id" now works much like the equivalent 
option of the ALSA driver. Added support in QSynth for this setting.

* FluidSynth has a new CMake boolean option: "enable-framework", default=true. 
It creates a Mac OSX style "FluidSynth.framework", a type of bundle that 
includes headers and libraries together (and other resources if required). 
This framework bundle is installed by default in "/Library/Frameworks". If 
this option is disabled at configuration time, the build system creates an 
Unix style dynamic library as before.

* QSynth has also a CMake build system. It can use either the new framework or 
the old Unix style dylib. After compilation, you can copy/embed all the used 
frameworks (including FluidSynth) into the app bundle, running the Qt utility 

To build universal binaries, add a CMake argument like this one: 
CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386;ppc (all the dependencies need to be compiled 
using the same set of architectures).

Pending tasks: testing, packaging, documentation. Opinions?


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