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Re: [Fle3-dev] Managing Knowledge Types - Strange behaviour?

From: Cormac McClean
Subject: Re: [Fle3-dev] Managing Knowledge Types - Strange behaviour?
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:59:25 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (X11/20050716)

Hi Tarmo,

Thank you for your detailed reply. I am so used to creating new knowledge type sets by modifying existing ones that I forgot you can create them from scratch.


Tarmo Toikkanen wrote:

I'll download and install the update from subversion - even though it's only a cosmetic problem, I'll be encouraging my students to create their own knowledge type sets (based on software design methods that they've come up with) and I don't want them to be confused by the ids.

Of course, if you start your knowledge type set from scratch, you
won't run into these problems.

Before I do the update, I need to export my course and the new knowledge type set. Can you please tell me where the exports are stored? I can't seem to find it.

Actually, this is only a minor upgrade. It's enough to replace the
product with the new version and then run
http://SERVERNAME/FLENAME/reload_all_dtml as administrator. No need to
export and import - that's only needed if the information model has
changed between versions.

(I've done imports before, but not an export). For example, I select the course I want to export, click on the Export button, and then nothing obvious; the same with the Knowledge Type Sets. I'm doing a trawl through both the server's and local disks for .zip files and /or course/kts titles, but nothing appears. Should I get a pop-up menu asking me where to save the exported file? (Maybe it's my firefox configuration?).

A course (or entire Fle3 instance) export should reply with a zip file
which your browser should handle (either ask what to do or save
automatically somewhere, depending on your browser settings). An
export of a large course may take a while.

A normal zope export can be stored on the server or downloaded,  but
that's a different thing. Fle3 exports and imports use their own xml
format and always work with the client (export sent as zip file,
import sent as zip file from client machine).


Fle3-dev mailing list

Cormac McClean.
Lecturer, Athlone IT Software Engineering
Free/Open Source Software Enthusiast

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