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[Firefly-dev] server

From: firefly-dev
Subject: [Firefly-dev] server
Date: 19 Apr 2003 01:10:42 +0200


I' ve started to work on the core using the OSE libraries
I added to the cvs a dir called "core" with some files.

To test them you need PostgreSQL, OSE and Python 2.2

Here a brief description for each file added:

- firefly/core/
  This is the server, it handles both soap and xml-rpc requests, you
  to have this running in order yo use the clients.
  You also need to change the line that make the connection to the db
according to your settings.
  Actually there are only 3 class methods, (but getBook() is incomplete
and test() is useless ;))

- firefly/core/clients_examples/
  A simple client that use XML-RPC, just three lines of code !
  It calls the getAuthors() server's function, so no need to write
queries in SQL,
  these are written only once in the server file.

- firefly/core/clients_examples/
  Same as the previous but use SOAP to communicate.
  Unfortunately there isn't python2.2-soappy for debian right now, so I
couldn't test it

I'm going to work on and on the db in the next days.
If I can make available a reasonable amount of functions we can start to
develop the loaning module.

John have you resolved the problems with the db ?
Let me know if you need help.


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