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Re: [ePiX-users] Compilation failing after install

From: Ben Tillman
Subject: Re: [ePiX-users] Compilation failing after install
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 17:39:20 +1100

On 02/12/2007, Jay Belanger <address@hidden> wrote:

"Ben Tillman" <address@hidden> writes:
>     1. (a) Create a symbolic link.
>        % ln -s sphere.xp sphere.cc
>        (b) If (a) fails, make a copy with recognizable extension.
>        % cp sphere.xp sphere.cc
>     2. Compile and link.
>        % /usr/bin/g++ sphere.cc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib/epix -lm
>     -lepix
> Both commands work, which is great news. Thanks! Unfortunately, the output
> file isn't recognisable by gv or elaps.

The output should be an executable, which when executed produces the
eepic file.

> Here is the output of ls -la in case these file sizes look abnormal:
> $ ls -la sp*
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 Ben None       9 Dec  2 15:49 sphere.cc -> sphere.xp
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 Ben None 3911576 Dec  2 16:17 sphere.eepic
> -rw-r--r-- 1 Ben None    1228 Aug  2 05:43 sphere.xp
> -rw-r--r-- 1 Ben None   31961 Dec  2 16:16 sphere_eepic.log
> -rw-r--r-- 1 Ben None     195 Dec  2 10:58 sphere_xp.log

There error message you reported comes when the executable isn't
created, so I wonder where the eepic file came from.


ePiX-users mailing list

Oops, I'm sorry. I was honestly thinking that the compiler output should have been the eepic file itself, so I -o sphere.eepic.

Ok, so this gives an executable file that, when run, should output the eepic file? I ran the executable, and see the code, but no eepic file appeared. I "./sphere.exe > log.txt" instead, and pasted the contents of log.txt into a tex file I'm using at the moment to see if everything was working, and it worked perfectly. So, everything works. Pasting large chunks of code into my tex files isn't really optimal though, so I have a few questions:

1. Does the executable have any parameters I should be using?
2. Once I have the eepic file (I guess just the log.txt I have now), I can't see where in the manual it shows how to insert this file into my tex file without just pasting it in.
3. Regarding the patch you just sent out, I'm not sure how to apply it. I presume this replaces the symbolic link code with the copy code you gave me before? If that works, does that allow me to revert back to "epix sphere.xp" to get my eepic file?

I think that is everything. I'm sorry again for the confusion with the executable file, and thanks for all your help.


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