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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Cmake Error

From: Michael Dickens
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Cmake Error
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 12:10:53 -0400

The best way to use the .cmake files installed by GNU Radio in an OOT module is 
to do the
find_package(Gnuradio [...])
as close to first thing as possible.  Once that's done, then all of the other 
GR .cmake modules (including FindCppUnit.cmake) will become available when 
using CMake >= 2.8.X.  See:
Please note that on CMake 2.6.X and prior this will like -not- work because 
CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR is not yet supported (at least in my testing on OSX; I 
assume it's the same on other OSs).

Thus, for example, if I change the file gr-ieee802-11/CMakeLists.txt to include 
the following instead of the line setting the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, then CMake 
2.8+ finds everything as hoped/expected.
# Find gnuradio build dependencies
    message(FATAL_ERROR "GnuRadio Runtime required to compile ieee802-11")
On CMake 2.6 I need to set the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to include the directory in 
which GnuradioConfig.cmake is found to get this to work.  I've tried a bunch of 
alternatives to working around this on CMake 2.6, and there's no obvious way to 
do it using just CMake internals / commands.  The best way I can find to do 
this is to create a GnuradioConfig.cmake.in file that internally sets this 
variable correctly (as is done for GnuradioConfigVersion.cmake.in for the 
version info).

I, for one, believe that not having to include all of the already-installed GR 
.cmake files is the way to go if at all possible; it eliminates the need to 
keep updating these files in the various OOT modules as well as reduces file 

Hope this helps! - MLD

On Sep 2, 2014, at 3:46 AM, Bastian Bloessl <address@hidden> wrote:
> Oooops, looks like I delete a bit too much files from cmake/Modules. I just 
> restored them. Can you please try again?
> But, actually that's a good opportunity to ask what an OOT module has to 
> install. Actually, I thought FindCppUnit.cmake is installed with GNU Radio
> https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L391
> So maybe it is just a matter of adapting ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}?
> For now I just did it as gr-fosphor :-)

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