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Re: [biborb-general] Bug reports and feature requests

From: Guillaume Gardey
Subject: Re: [biborb-general] Bug reports and feature requests
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 15:21:13 +0100


> 1. Import of BibTex files
> - doesn't work correctly if BibTex key contains accent
> - doesn't work correctly if only a few fields are defined
> The worst thing about it: Nevertheless, the entries are imported, but
> cannot be viewed afterwards ("Browse" or "Display All")

Can you send me some examples? The import function comes from the
Bibliophile project, I will see if the new release solves these problems
and patch it if needed.

> 2. Localization
> The menu entry for "BIBINDEX_MENU_ADMIN_PREF" does not display in the
> German version (should read "Einstellungen").

I will have a look, thanks.

> Additionally, I have the following feature requests:
> 3. Hierarchical organization of references
> It would be a great plus if the references could be ordered
> hierarchically. The organization into groups is a step in the right
> direction. Is it possible to implement the usage of subgroups?

I haven't thought about it yet. Since classification is something really
depending on people organization, subgroups may also be not sufficient.
However, it looks like the only "good" solution... if someone has some
ideas about another way to do it, don't hesitate to share your point of

> 4. Import/Export of Endnote files
> I think, this is already on the agenda.

The import of Endnote files is available in the CVS release, but not
really tested since Endnote isn't used in my research area. I will be
highly interested if you have some real example files.

> 5. The automatic import of Pubmed entries
> Like in JabRef, would be nice :)

or from other web services :). This isn't scheduled yet, but I will
certainly choose to code a kind of plugin system to enable the access to
different bibliographic services.

> If you need additional information and/or sample files, don't hesitate
> to ask.
> Last question: Is the Bug database at
> still in use? I can enter the
> bugs there if you want.

I still use it, but the project is more in a sleeping state at the
moment... but I won't let it die! :)

All the best

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