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[Axiom-legal] Re: GPL vs. modified BSD

From: root
Subject: [Axiom-legal] Re: GPL vs. modified BSD
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 06:45:13 -0500

> > Just curious: What _exactly_ would forbid to distribute Axiom under GPL?
> Nothing. 
> The Modified BSD allows anyone to do this.

On the other hand the side-effect would likely be a fork in the axiom
project. I've seen discussions for and against going GPL. I argued for
GPL before axiom was released but accepted the MBSD as a reasonable license.

Consider that the real point of licensing is that you can sue people
who violate the license and that the point of bringing suit is to
get money (ask any lawyer... I have) you'll see that axiom's license
is uninteresting. Any lawyer worth his $250/hour will tell you that
you don't sue people "on principle". Such suits are considered "harassing"
and are generally thrown out. Threatening to bring such suits without
actually following up is called barristry and is grounds for being sued.

After 6 years, endless debate, several books, and a few conversations
with actual lawyers I'm completely disgusted with the whole debate.
It is unproductive in the extreme. That's why axiom-legal exists.


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