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Re: [Axiom-developer] Local MathAction

From: Hans Peter Würmli
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Local MathAction
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 18:07:13 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.8.2

Dear Ralph

It's a long time I had installed AxiomWiki on my computer. In the mean time I 
don't use it anymore, because I would have had to find some way to automatise 
the set-up, because updates on the software used to overwrite the changed 

Anyway: I doubt that you can use AxiomWiki locally without having Zope 
installed (and Plone is built on top of Zope, but I didn't understand what 
you referred to). From where you got to, you need to restart Zope. Create a 
new Zope document and choose "AxiomWiki" as its format. Within that document 
you can do the \begin{axiom} ...\end{axiom}.

I haven't followed some of the threads, so I might have missed something. If 
you want the existing MathAction locally, the admin of the Axiom wiki will 
have to export a Zope object for you (as far as I remember, because Zope uses 
a local object store; I don't think that users can initiate the export).

With best regards


On Thursday 05 January 2006 12.26, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> Last night, I followed the steps at
> with some modifications. After
>       cp /home/AxiomW/latexwiki/LatexWiki/texbreaker* .
> I had to add
>       cp /home/AxiomW/latexwiki/LatexWiki/useproto.h .
> because that file was missing for the compilation.
> I also have no Reduce, so I commented out the Reduce related things
> (only the line numbers were a bit different).
> In /usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ I've changed
>      cmdLine = 'export AXIOM=/usr/local/axiom/mnt/linux; export
> PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH; export ALDORROOT=/usr/local/aldor/linux/1.0.2;
> export PATH=$ALDORROOT/bin:$PATH; export HOME=/var/lib/plone2/main;
> AXIOMsys < %s' %(axiomFileName)
> to
>      cmdLine = 'export AXIOM=/home/hemmecke/software/Axiom/mnt/linux;
> export ALDORROOT=/home/hemmecke/software/Aldor/aldor/linux/1.0.2;
> PATH=$ALDORROOT/bin:$AXIOM/bin:$PATH; AXIOMsys < %s' %(axiomFileName)
> (everything on just one line)
> I had no idea what to do with HOME since there is no /var/lib/plone2 on
> my system.
> texbreaker.mak is ...
> swig -python texbreaker.i
> gcc -fpic -c texbreaker.c texbreaker_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.3
> ld -shared texbreaker.o texbreaker_wrap.o -o
> I had to install swig ( Fortunately there was a Debian
> package.
> I also had to
> gcc -fpic -c texbreaker.c texbreaker_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.2
> instead of
> gcc -fpic -c texbreaker.c texbreaker_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.3
> Everything worked fine up to here. But which URL should I write into
> firefox in order to now browse MathAction locally? I somehow fear that
> the webpages are not yet on my computer. Where is the MathAction FrontPage?
> Any hints?
> Another question... I have the Axiom sources from
> Would that be the same as
> "darcs get";?
> Ralf
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