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[XForms] New prerelease xforms-1.0.94pre17

From: Jens Thoms Toerring
Subject: [XForms] New prerelease xforms-1.0.94pre17
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 20:19:19 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


   here's another pre-release:


Here's what's new:

a) Michal Szymanski proposed a small user interface change to
   fdesign: until now a double click with the left mouse button
   on an object deleted it, a double click with the right mouse
   button opened the form for changing the objects attributes.
   This is a bit strange and I can't count the number of times
   I accidentally deleted an object because of this. So it was
   an annoyance to me since a long time but I never considered
   doing something abut it. But now, thanks Michal's prodding
   I simply exchanged the mouse buttons, so from now on we have

     left double clich on object: show attribute form
     right double click: delete the object

   I hope nobody is unhappy about this.

b) Another point Michal complained about was that when testing
   in fdesign and switching on a two-state button while testing
   this was (at least under some circumstances) kept as the
   initial state of the button and written to the .fd/.c files.
   Now the button states should get reset after testing.

c) Michal also pointed out that there was something wrong with
   the file selector: when starting it with a default file name
   the file normally appeared at the very end of the browser.
   Fixed that tp have it shown in the middle (as far as possible).

d) Then there were a number of further bugs: in fdesign lowering
   and raising objects had stopped to work properly. Ungrouping
   deleted all objects in a group. Finally, when in a program a
   group was reopened adding an object that has sub-objects
   (like browsers etc.) didn't work properly.

As you can see the changes mostly concern fdesign, the only
change about the library itself is the about the adding of
"composite" objects to an reopened group (probably rarey used).
Anyone out there with some more bufs/annoyances?

                          Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ________      address@hidden
   \_______________________________      http://toerring.de

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