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www/education remote-education-children-freedom...

From: Dora Scilipoti
Subject: www/education remote-education-children-freedom...
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 05:51:50 -0400 (EDT)

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+<h2>Remote Education: My Children's Freedom and Privacy at Stake</h2>
+<p class="byline">by Javier Sepúlveda 
+<a href="#sepulveda" id="sepulveda-rev"><sup>[*]</sup></a></p>
+<hr class="thin" />
+<div class="article">
+<p>At the beginning of March 2020, we started to hear worrisome news 
+about the spread of COVID-19 in Spain. Within days, all public events, 
+conferences<a href="#conferences">[1]</a> and gatherings were 
+disallowed. Even a traditional celebration historically held in this 
+period, the <cite>Falles</cite><a href="#falles">[2]</a>, was 
+<p>Next came the stay-at-home order from the government and the 
+indefinite suspension of all in-person educational activities. 
+Teaching had to go online, but were schools, colleges and universities 
+prepared for this? The answer is no. In order to switch to remote 
+education, they needed videoconferencing platforms, communication 
+systems and servers they did not always have. And this is where the 
+problem starts.</p>
+<p>Educational institutions began to choose whatever they needed 
+unilaterally and independently. Each teacher, school or university 
+picked a different program or platform on the spur of the moment, 
+basing their choices on the sole criteria of practicality and 
+popularity of the software. Far more important factors, such as the 
+freedom and privacy of their students&mdash;or their own&mdash;were 
+left aside. Students and parents had no say, it was a 
+take-it-or-leave-it approach.</p>
+<p>Why were hundreds of students being condemned to use software that 
+is unfair to them? Why should all data (voice, images, videos, 
+handwritten documents) be owned by a company? The price of proprietary 
+systems is the surrender of our freedom. It is the voice of our 
+children and their image on video&mdash;everything is recorded on 
+third-party servers for later analysis and exploitation. Too high a 
+price to pay.</p>
+<p>The situation was unacceptable. It was time to say <em>NO</em>.</p> 
+<h3>My children's schools</h3> 
+<p>Marta (10) and Javi (12) attend public schools in San Antonio de 
+Benagéber, Valencia, for their compulsory education. Apart from that, 
+they are involved in extracurricular activities at three different 
+private institutions. Marta takes elementary clarinet classes at the 
+local non-profit Music Association (to which I provide web and email 
+hosting.) Javi takes trumpet lessons at the Professional Conservatory 
+of Music to prepare for admission to higher music studies in that   
+institution. They both also attend a local English Academy.</p> 
+<h3>My fight</h3> 
+<p>For my moral grounds, I cannot let my children use nonfree 
+software. I was determined to fight, but how? I was alone in this, and 
+still under quarantine. I realized I could help people cope with the 
+emergency by offering solutions I could easily find in my field of 
+knowledge: free software they could use for their specific needs.</p> 
+<p>But I also realized the task was not easy. It was necessary to 
+start with small steps, realistic goals. With the private schools, I 
+thought, they should be more inclined to listen, since there I am not 
+only a parent, but also a paying costumer. And at Marta's Music 
+Association I was also their server provider, so surely they would 
+trust my opinion on issues related to information technology.</p> 
+<p><em>&ldquo;A walk of a thousand miles consists of lots of steps. 
+Each time you don't install some nonfree program, or decide not to run 
+it that day, that is a step towards your own freedom.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp; 
+(Richard Stallman, <a href="/philosophy/saying-no-even-once.html">
+Saying No to unjust computing even once is help</a>).</p> 
+<h3>The first step</h3>
+<p>When a professor from Marta's music school called me to invite me 
+to create a Skype account for my daughter's lessons, I said, 
+&ldquo;Have you read the terms and conditions of that service? Skype 
+is widely known software, but that doesn't mean it's the best choice. 
+Have you heard about Jitsi? I can help you. I will send you all the 
+information right now with an explanation on how to use it so that you 
+can try it. It's also free/libre software, it does not intercept 
+communications and it does not collect or store any data.&rdquo; 
+Very enthusiastically, he replied, &ldquo;Thank you, I really 
+appreciate your advice.&rdquo;</p>
+<p>I immediately emailed him all the necessary information, complete 
+with detailed instructions he might need to get started. Two days 
+later, I received an email from the school principal thanking me and 
+saying that <a 
+all teachers and students had agreed to use Jitsi</a>.</p>
+<p>I was amazed. By being positive and showing my intention to help, 
+I got the school teacher to understand and listen to my advice.</p>
+<div class="pict">
+<a href="/education/misc/jitsi-marta-espejo.png">
+<img src="/education/misc/jitsi-marta-espejo-sm.png" 
+alt="Screenshot showing Marta and her teacher during a clarinet lesson 
+over Jitsi."/></a>
+<p>Marta takes a clarinet lesson over Jitsi.</p>
+<h3>The second step</h3>
+<p>Results were not as immediate at the English Academy.</p> 
+<p>When they decided to go online, they surprised me with a call to 
+say I needed to open a Skype account for my children's first remote 
+class, which was due the following day. There was no time. There was 
+no way out. Either that, or the kids would miss their lessons. I 
+accepted&mdash;for the moment.</p>
+<p>Later that day, I engaged in what seemed a never ending battle with 
+them. To make my case, I first sent them a well reasoned and 
+informative letter. I reminded them that Skype is owned by Microsoft, 
+a company that develops freedom-denying software, and explained what 
+free/libre software is. I mentioned the abusive clauses in the 
+company's terms of service, among which: Microsoft records and 
+analyzes conversations, and it can hand that data over to other 
+companies. I suggested to replace Skype with Jitsi and offered to 
+help. I even said my children would quit the institution unless it 
+changed to a free/libre platform.</p>
+<p>They did not respond. They were forcing almost one hundred 
+students, their teachers and their parents to open a Microsoft account 
+in order to use a piece of software that takes advantage of them. They 
+were failing to see the seriousness of the issue, dazzled as they 
+were by an impressive display of misleading information about the 
+software they considered to be &ldquo;well-known,&rdquo; thus good.</p>
+<p>I resent my email to the principal of the school, and this time I 
+forwarded it to teachers as well. I waited. I called them and talked 
+to them at length. Once again, I made it clear I would withdraw my 
+children from their school unless they changed that software.</p>
+<p>Eventually they understood my position and became aware of the 
+dangers of Skype. They finally agreed to use Jitsi!</p>
+<h3>The third step</h3>
+<p>In the meantime, after two weeks of staying indoors, Javi was 
+taking his trumpet classes over Skype. At the next lesson, I sat next 
+to my son and spoke to the teacher. I began by thanking him for his 
+work, since Javi was making progress despite the difficult situation. 
+Then I mentioned my concern about privacy and other issues that these 
+nonfree programs present. I told him pretty much the same things I had 
+told the other teachers. He was surprised, &ldquo;I didn't know about 
+this! Is there any other program we can use?&rdquo; So I invited him 
+to use <a href="https://videoconferencia.valenciatech.com/";>
+my Jitsi server</a>, to avoid interruptions and guarantee the best 
+sound quality.</p>
+<p>Since then, Javi takes his trumpet lessons on Jitsi. The teacher 
+then asked me if he could use the same server with <em>all</em> his 
+trumpet students and I agreed, of course. The purpose of that server 
+is to help anyone who may need it.</p>
+<div class="pict">
+<a href="/education/misc/jitsi-javi-garcia.png">
+<img src="/education/misc/jitsi-javi-garcia-sm.png" 
+alt="Screenshot showing Javi and his teacher during a trumpet lesson 
+over Jitsi."/></a>
+<p>Javi takes a trumpet lesson over Jitsi.</p>
+<h3>Going forward</h3>
+<p>I managed to raise awareness about freedom and privacy issues and 
+expand the use of free software in my community. More than two hundred 
+people in town are now using Jitsi. But I want to do more, I want to 
+keep walking. For one thing, I want to reach the local public schools, 
+knowing beforehand what a challenge that is.</p>
+<p>I will keep fighting nonfree software, specially in schools, armed 
+with the resources I have at hand: my servers, on which I have 
+installed free/libre high quality platforms for everyone to use, 
+such as <a href="https://docs.valenciatech.com/";>Etherpad</a>, <a 
+href="https://bbb.valenciatech.com";>BigBlueButton</a>, and the Jitsi
+server I mentioned before. Right now many people are using them, so 
+I am soon going to upgrade the hardware to allow more simultaneous
+connections without loosing quality.</p>
+<p>What is most important, I am armed with knowledge about the <a 
+philosophical foundations</a> of the Free Software Movement and the 
+increasingly significant role that software plays in our daily 
+<p>Thanks to my mentor, Richard Stallman, whose support and 
+encouragement helped me become aware of the value of my efforts. 
+Thanks to him for urging me to share my experience with 
+the Free Software Foundation, and to the FSF for mentioning my work 
+among others they included in an article about <a 
+freedom and privacy in remote education</a>. Thanks to Dora Scilipoti 
+from the <a 
+href="/education/edu-team.html">GNU Education Team</a>, for her 
+precious advice and help in writing this text.</p>
+<div class="infobox">
+<hr />
+<h4>Author's Notes</h4>
+ <li id="conferences">With help from the GNU/Linux Users Group 
+of Valencia, I had organized a series of Richard Stallman's speeches 
+in several areas of Spain from March 22 to 26. They all had to be 
+ <li id="falles">More information about the <a 
+and the rare moments in history when this old event was 
+<p><a href="#sepulveda-rev" id="sepulveda">[*]</a> Javier Sepúlveda 
+is an Industrial Design and Computer Science Engineer. He is the 
+founder and executive director of VALENCIATECH, a server 
+administration company that runs and offers exclusively free 
+software. He is a <a 
+href="/people/speakers.html#Sepulveda">GNU speaker</a> and free 
+software advocate.</p>
+<div class="infobox">
+<hr />
+<p class="italic">
+Photos courtesy of Javier Sepúlveda. Licensed under 
+<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/";>
+Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International 
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