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Re: [uracoli-devel] did I tell you?

From: Axel Wachtler
Subject: Re: [uracoli-devel] did I tell you?
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 23:18:32 +0200
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Hallo Keith,

thank you for your very kind and motivating email. It is
good to know that the software works in such a quite huge
network. Of course we like also to know about things to

Would it be Ok for you, if we cite your mail in the blog?
I mean a 130 node network would be a good reference.

Best Regards, Axel

On 26.09.2012 20:32, Vasilakes, Keith wrote:
Axel, Joerg,

Thanks to you and Uricoli, I was able to finish my project AND have it
work J

( it was done a couple of months ago actually)

We were able to create a network of 130 devices ( every device in house)
all talking to a coordinator ( a Digi X4 gateway ) with very little data
loss. ( few retries here and there )

We normally run at 30 seconds between messages, but were able to crank
it up to 10 seconds before the gateway processor started maxing out it’s

The network itself was stable.

The code base was so much simpler and smaller than the bit bean Zigbee
solution, which fell apart at 40 devices.

This was 40 devices sending a data packet every 30 seconds.

We could get the network up, but as soon as one device lost contact it
would start the association process, suck up all the bandwith, and now
all the other devices fail so the system crashes like a house of cards.

Uricoli never associates and therefore never takes out the network with
retries. It just goes to sleep and tries again in 30 seconds.

We do actually associate the devices with the gateway, the gateway has a
list of sensors, and it listens for them for 3x the reporting rate.

As sensors check in, the gateway marks them as connected

At the end of the ‘Association’ period, the gateway reports to a PC app
which and how many sensors reported in. so the PC app can inform the user.

So the sensors just do their thing and the gateway worries about the
association list.

We did look into writing an association procedure, but decided it wasn’t
the best way to do it.

All in all awesome, Uricoli was a perfect fit.

*Keith Vasilakes*

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