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Strange problem with javaswarm. Warning appears mysteriously

From: Hu, Jianjun
Subject: Strange problem with javaswarm. Warning appears mysteriously
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 15:04:22 -0400

I met a strange problem when I use javaswarm.   some weeks ago, my program
complains with the following warnings.

Now when I compile any other javaswarm program, the following warning not
related to those program still comes up.

Anybody have ideas?


Jianjun Hu

address@hidden/swarm-2.1.1/examples/jheatbug] $ javaswarm
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
*** function: mapUpdate(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/LispArchiver.m,
line: 114
Duplicate object key `ProbeDisplay-DoveModelSwarm'*** execution
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
*** function: mapUpdate(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/LispArchiver.m,
line: 114
Duplicate object key `ProbeDisplay-DoveObserverSwarm'*** execution
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
*** function: mapUpdate(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/LispArchiver.m,
line: 114
Duplicate object key `periphytonLevelGraph-graph'*** execution continuing...

------------------------------`periphytonLevelGraph-graph is not related to
my program ArgumentsDirectPassing which is paul's test code.

*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
*** function: mapUpdate(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/LispArchiver.m,
line: 114
Duplicate object key `tadpoleCountGraph-graph'*** execution continuing...
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
*** function: mapUpdate(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/LispArchiver.m,
line: 114
Duplicate object key `topLevelSwarm-actionCache-panelWidget'*** execution
*** event raised for warning: WarningMessage
*** function: mapUpdate(), file: /src/Swarm/swarm/src/defobj/LispArchiver.m,
line: 114
Duplicate object key `worldRaster'*** execution continuing...
address@hidden/swarm-2.1.1/examples/jheatbug] $

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