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Inter-agent communication in Discrete2d

From: John Langley
Subject: Inter-agent communication in Discrete2d
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 09:42:22 +0100 (GMT)


I have agent running around on a Discrete2d object.

I would like to have them access each others variables when they bump
into each other, using this kind of approach:

return somePointer;

I cannot find a way of getting one agent to send a message directly to
another agent, based on grid reference, and be returned some internal
value, e.g. somePointer.

It is possible for one agent to check if a neighbouring cell is occupied
by e.g.:

if ([world getObjectAtX: newX Y: newY] = 1    -> 'cell occupied'

if ([world getObjectAtX: newX Y: newY] = nil  -> 'cell empty'

Where 'world' is the pointer, or 'id' to Discrete2d.

The getObjectAtX: xPos Y:yPos method only allows an agent to detect if
there is another agent at some other position, but apparently does not
allow returning of internal values from methods.

Is there a way in Discrete2d of having one object send a message directly
to another at some grid reference? 

Any help greatfully received.


John Langley.

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