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Re: Here's how to make a virtually untraceable bug! Watch out.

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Here's how to make a virtually untraceable bug! Watch out.
Date: 08 Feb 2001 10:53:34 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul E Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> I had an IVAR listed in the scheme file and in the header file of
PJ> a class.  The object was created by listAppArchiver, no trouble,
PJ> everything checked out.  Then I edited the header file and removed
PJ> one variable, but forgot to remove it from the .scm file.

What I get is "Cannot find ivar `foo'".  So I grep for "foo" and will
find conspicuous reference in the .scm file -- if it's gone from the
.h, it will have to be removed from the .m or you won't be able to
compile.  I can't see anything to do here except maybe to make the
error message more verbose.

PJ> The galling part is that the extra variable was not even one for a
PJ> class that was being instantiated in that run of the model. It was
PJ> in the batchSwarm section, and I was running guiSwarm, but since
PJ> the variable was deleted in model swarm, the problem happened just
PJ> the same.

I can't parse this.  modelSwarm or batchSwarm -- which is it?  Or that
you are or were sharing a variable in the modelSwarm?  Or that you
have a subclasses of the same modelSwarm for gui and batch purposes?
Anyway, what do you want to happen?  Silent acceptance of gratuitous ivars?

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