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Re: Problems with Swarm on Linux PPC

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Problems with Swarm on Linux PPC
Date: 07 Feb 2001 08:18:09 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

DS> The error appears to be that the SwarmEnvironment.m file is not
DS> present

This is GDB looking for the Swarm sources so that it can show you where
in Swarm itself the crash occurred.  The sources aren't there because
you are using RPMs.  None of these messages are causing or are related
to the nil method problems you have below.

DS> address@hidden Voting1.02.3]$ make EXTRAOBJCFLAGS=-Wno-error

The first step is recognizing that you have a problem...  ;)
I would suggest you investigate and fix the warnings you are suppressing.

DS> line: 623 The message `hasEnough' was sent to nil.

Why was hasEnough sent to a nil object?

DS> /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/swarm-2001-01-24/src/SwarmEnvironment.m:261
DS> #5 0xfc004c8 in nil_method () at
DS> /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/swarm-2001-01-24/src/SwarmEnvironment.m:261
DS> #6 0x100045c0 in _i_ModelSwarm__checkForTrigger (self=0x1011a6a8,
DS> _cmd=0x6) at ModelSwarm.m:109 #7 0xf632208 in ffi_call_SYSV () at

Why did checkForTrigger send a message to a nil object?

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