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Re: Histogram

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Histogram
Date: 21 Jan 2001 15:53:55 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "PT" == Pietro Terna <address@hidden> writes:

PT>     Referring to ObjctiveC Market example, useHisto is an instance
PT> of Histogram class (in MarketObserverSwarm.m).

PT>     What is the equivalent tool in javaswarm? My need it that of
PT> plotting each item of a fixed length vector, not a distribution.

The Histogram interface has some methods with arguments that are pointers,
so it can't be used in the same way as the Objective C interface.

Also, most of the GUI-related interfaces are in fact disabled even though
they would work.  The goal of that is to minimize further propagation and
dependence on the Tk interfaces and encourage members of the user community
to help develop and contribute something better. 

To get the Histogram interface in Java (the subset of methods that do
map to Java), edit etc/interface.el, and precede the first occurence
of the word "Histogram" with a ";".  Then rebuild Swarm.

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