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Re: ptplot and swarm-java

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: ptplot and swarm-java
Date: 29 Dec 2000 11:27:39 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul E Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> I keep reading how Swing is a drag.  But what alternative do
PJ> I have?

I was just saying it seems silly to munge on ptplot to get something
worse than what we already have.  Implement new stuff with Swing 
(or a subset that works with Kaffe), and worry about replacing existing
interfaces (e.g. EZGraph, EZBin, Raster), when it is a real problem.

PJ> However if we/I do develop java tools for scatterplots, bar
PJ> charts, and other things Swarm does not currently support, I'll
PJ> have a hard time in the classroom if I have to teach them two sets
PJ> of routines for making graphs. 

You're confusing interface with implementation.  Nothing prevents you
from putting new Java classes in the analysis package.

PJ> So that argues at least for having a complete suite on the java
PJ> side. 

The idea is to get rid of this notion of `sides'.

PJ> Coincidentally, I am puzzled about how to write these general
PJ> purpose classes at all in Java when the book I have here says
PJ> there is no variable type "selector". 

A Selector is a notion foreign to Java; Java doesn't let you 
disassociate messages from classes in a direct way.  Typically, you'd
pass interfaces around, knowing that certain methods would be there
by virtue of the typing.

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