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Re: LispArchiver, input and output

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: LispArchiver, input and output
Date: 23 May 2000 08:07:48 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "MB" == Marie-Edith Bissey <address@hidden> writes:

MB> 1) How can I write a file in Lisp format? all the examples I have
MB> seen have numbers, not variables written in them. 

Take a look at:


That example can do both input and and output using .scm files.
Compile like so:


MB> I think I understand how that works with LispArchiver, but is it
MB> all right if in both files I have the keyword "modelSwarm"?

Yes, provided the identifical keys are in different files.

MB> 3) It seems that when I compile the examples programs, the output
MB> is by default in hdf5 format. How can I set it to be in lisp
MB> format (I need something human-readable).

Are you talking about the example above or something else?

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