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From: Thai Dinh Nguyen
Subject: Scheduling
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 17:16:39 -0800

Dear fellow Swarm users:

I need help on Swarm's schedule:

1.  In the application Heatbugs, what will happen if there are two bugs
at (2,4) and (2,5) and both bugs pick out (2,3) as the next best spot to
move to?  Will only one of the bug moves to this spot?  If so, will this
be determined by which bug was first (or last) added to the bugList?

2.  In the application Mousetrap, how would I make mousetraps that have
been triggered to keep on firing at every timestep afterward?  Would
setting autoDrop to 0 or removing this line do it?

Thank you for your support,


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